JOURNAL (Practice after Meditation)

Journal is a practice of discovery. This is a daily practice of self-reflection, observation and reinvention. This process helps us review our perspective and belief. Having a daily life review supports our human condition healing. The human condition (shame, emotional pain and feelings of not being good enough) is our challenge. Journal helps us overcome, release and transform judgment and limitation based on common human condition that influences generations, parents, childhood, society, etc. Journaling out emotions, intentions and affirmations enhances intelligence and intuition, which helps us spiritually evolve beyond shame, pain and low self worth. Journaling concentrates our energy on human compassion by working on honesty, emotional release and breakthrough. It is a self-psychology writing meditation for those interested in transforming the subconscious patterns based on human condition into human compassion. This gives us sovereignty, freedom and unblocks emotions that can support emotional power for manifestation.

JOURNAL is practice after Daily Redefining Meditation.

How does my father/mother love? How does their relationship pattern affect my current relationships?

How do past relationships mirror the ideal or models given to me in childhood?

How does my ego (over-protection, defense, emotional closure) affect my relationships?

How does my inner child feel in relationship?
How has my parent’s money affected my fiances?

How do my childhood recreational, educational and artistic activities support my self-esteem?

How was my self-esteem/life force taken from me, downgraded or discouraged in childhood? What am I doing to restore my self-esteem/life force?
Do I express myself? How has my childhood affected my self-expression? What am I doing to discover my heartfelt expression?

What is my playful energy?

What magic, mystery and possibility regarding my spirituality do I allow or deny?

What emotions do I deny from experiencing? What emotions are trying to breakthrough? What are my emotions communicating to me?


What is my creativity?

What is my NORTH NODE?

What is my family karma? How am I healing family karma?

How am I confident towards my aspirations?

How do I embrace my emotions and listen to their message of healing and expansion?