Redefining Love
(Daily Redefining Meditation)
Father/The Mother creates our first relationship ideal. The father/daughter relationship
and mother/son relationship models
our intimate relationships. Therefore, healing
the father/the mother image and father/daughter, mother/son relationship through
daily redefining meditation empowers the relationship ideal and model for a
close relationship.
Redefining: Healing is re-connecting with the
father/the mother with boundaries and conscious decision–yes or no. Yes to appropriate love pattern and No to inappropriate love pattern.
Relationships mirror to us the intuitive connection
we have with ourselves. They show us how we go against intuition, distrust intuition,
deny intuition, cultivate intuition and honor intuition. Every relationship
brings us closer to our self-esteem and self-worth by revealing lack of intuition
and power of intuition. The more triggered we are the better chance we have at
advancing our intuition that is established through self-examination and
conscious choice making. Healing past
relationships through daily redefining meditation activates intuition to better support
self-esteem/self-worth and clear relationship choice.
Redefining: Healing is self-examination and
conscious choice making.
Social Norm is ego self-protection that has us
go for relationships based on limitation––transactional, sexual appeal,
procreation, parental influence, friend “group think”, religious relationship
limitation to protect us from conflict with others, disapproval, loneliness,
lack of self-acceptance and discouragement. Ego self-protection can bring
emotional and spiritual unfulfillment that overtime creates agitation and resistance,
feelings of being dishonest with self and other. Healing
social norm through daily redefining meditation nourishes self-acceptance to
best support freedom and discovery.
Redefining: Healing is self-acceptance.
Conformity in relationships reflect our uninspired,
unexpressed and low creativity as a child due to parents, care takers, who
shamed, judged or blocked the flow of inspiration, expression and creativity. This
shows up in relationships as codependency, “needing the other to feel
creative/inspired,” relationship stagnancy, a partnership that doesn’t grow in
abundance or in spirituality and relationships with major restrictions that is
uptight, overly serious and controlling mates or being anal (angry), demanding
and insecure because the inner child isn’t whole to fill up one’s own chalice
and demands a partner to do it. Relationships are unstable because the inner
child isn’t whole and therefore, cannot offer wholeness of expression and
intention. Healing childhood conformity
through daily redefining meditation concentrates energy on artistry for
personal balance.
Redefining: Healing is inner child discovery of
natural expression and talent.