Redefining Inner Child
(Daily Redefining Meditation)
= Expression is self-worth. Without creative expression we do know who we are or what we want. Expression is self-discovery. However, most of us have issues or blocks in expressing ourselves because as a child we did not receive recreational, educational, artistic, nature/bonding activities that installed therapeutic modalities of self-expression. As a child we witnessed adults use inappropriate or negatively charged patterns in dealing with challenges and have fear or insecurity around expressing ourselves. We cannot stand up, stand out or stand for our victory in life without expression. Vast majority fear expression, downgrade expression, belittle their own expression and harbor harsh judgment regarding their expression because of shame. When the inner child is shamed creativity and intuition are atrophied. We demand creativity and intuition to lead ourselves constructively into our self-discovery. Healing expression oppression through daily redefining meditation supports a better relationship with feelings.

Daily Redefining: Healing is release of judgment.
=Childhood Confinement is weak playful energy. Playful energy is very grounded and stable. Without playful energy we can overindulge in the mental intrigues and lose our ability to reinvent ourselves. We act, think, believe and live without changeability or agility and lose our creative possibility. Childhood confinement can come from childhood of authoritative parents who are very judgmental, “stuck in their ways” or very traditional. We may have been denied playfulness because of parental frustration or poor confidence. Whatever the reason, healing stiff playfulness through daily redefining meditation best supports openness and compassion.

Daily Redefining: Healing is femme consciousness, which is creativity, spirituality and craftsmanship that deconstructs seriousness and works with receptivity, availability to feelings.
=Wholeness through Spirituality is the authentic self, the REAL YOU. From age 0-5, 5-9 we are embodying the frequency of our most authentic self, SOUL SELF. Our self-esteem is high, our creativity is high and our energy is high. We are in our femme consciousness regardless of boy or girl. In our SOUL SELF, we are visionary but do not know how to articulate these deep feelings. We express them through sound and movement. Our deepest desire is to be united and in observation with nature. This is OUR time to be quiet or energetic, soulful and exploring. However, our wholeness is cut short. The human condition (shame, emotional pain and feelings of not being good enough) begin to override our liberated frequency by introducing judgment and ego. This is natural and apart of life but for the inner child it is a harsh wake up call. The inner child doesn’t know what to do with judgment and ego because when it is unstable is difficult to deal with. Healing judgment and ego placed on inner child through daily redefining meditation better supports security between being free and being down to Earth.

Daily Redefining: Healing is acceptance of physical (Human Condition) and spiritual (SOUL SELF).
=Magic, Mystery and Possibility is the deepest creative spark we have as a child. The deepest creative spark is where we retrieve original, visionary and inventive ideas. This is the realm of higher intelligence and intuitive expansion. This is our household mandala, soul alter, ancestral connection, psychic abilities, astral traveling, past incarnation, futurist prophecy––all experiences esoteric and mystic. Human condition, restriction, limitation and structures of this planet separate the deepest creative spark from human beings by discrediting the inner child. We discredit the inner child all the time. We tell ourselves it isn’t important, relevant or helpful to success connecting with the inner child. However, Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Nikola Telsa, Edger Cayce, Mr. Rogers, R. K. Rowling who are all very successful human beings all had or have a connection with the inner child and used the inner child to expand their intelligence into a quantum field of infinity. Healing discredit of inner child through daily redefining meditation best supports the embrace of intuitive options.

Daily Redefining: Healing is activating 0-5, 5-9 years of age creative spark.
=Emotional Oppression, Emotional Neglect, Emotional Disruption is the greatest challenge to inner child radiance. When we experience the human condition (shame, emotional pain and feelings of not being good enough) as a child or adult emotions of grief can be SO heavy we shutdown because we don’t have the therapeutic self-expression to appropriately release the negative feelings. This causes stagnation, fear and sabotage. When we harbor unresolved feelings as a child they become subconscious patterns as a adult that are much more difficult to heal. Most of this subconscious stagnation, fear or sabotaging behaviors is oppressed, neglected or disrupted emotions. When we begin to retrieve our emotional freedom, all these responses and reactions to the human condition, both negative and positive, “come up” to the surface to neutralize. Emotional oppression, emotional neglect and emotional disruption are negative reactions to the human condition (shame, emotional pain and feelings of not being good enough) that have been left “unchecked” and need to be reviewed. For example, revenge is a common negative reaction to the human condition. However, the emotional disruption creates stagnation, an endless cycle of suffering, I kill you, you kill me, I kill you, you kill me that is burden upon burden. Healing subconscious stagnation, fear and sabotage from deep negative emotions through daily redefining meditation better supports emotional release. FYI…Emotional release brings tears, deep sadness and grief. Do not be alarmed. Let the feelings come out. Whenever the subconscious is being cleaned of emotional “junk” it must purge through the emotional body, which is water detox or fasting, tears, aches in the body releasing, desire to be by a body of water, etc.

Daily Redefining: Healing is therapeutic release of emotions.