How to Manifest

Manifestation in 3 phases!

Clarity =Observation =Contemplation =Inner Reality based on Childhood (Society)=Inner Reality based on Emotional Release
Action =Expression =Creativity =Courage =Risk
Response =Test =Life Lesson =Opportunity =Doorway =Discovery =Truth of the Matter

First, we must get CLEAR about our self-worth. We cannot have any person, place or thing connected to us that lowers our self-worth. Self-worth is our caliber. Expansion demands a higher caliber. Therefore, we must do what it takes to be CLEAR. That means leaving, ending, releasing and removing beliefs, people, habits and parts of ourselves that attach us to a lower self-worth that is based on shame, emotional pain and feelings of not being good enough.
Second, we must take action on coming into the fullness of our self-expression. That means detoxifying from beliefs, self-restrictions and codependency that blocks sovereign thought and independence. We must challenge ourselves by learning, discovering and reinventing ourselves according to the action that brings the fullness of our self-expression.
Third, the universe responds by giving us tests, life lessons and opportunities to heal, grow and excel. We must have enough courage/Life Force to greet our karmic evolution, which may seem painful, confusing or uncertain at times with CLEAR connection to our NORTH NODE. The NORTH NODE (found in astrological chart) is the STAR of our victory. Following the NORTH NODE grants us tests, life lessons and opportunities that help us heal the childhood karma and reinvent our childhood pattern into our renovated dharma. NORTH NODE is dharma, the fullness of our self-expression. The universe responds to our courage, healing and justice we bring to our inner inflictions by presenting doorways for us to gain MORE of who we are according to the INNER CHILD, which is the SOUL SELF uninflicted by the childhood shame, emotional pain and feelings of not being good enough based on society low self-esteem. As we become more and more of who we are according to our INNER CHILD and gain Life Force through self-initiation brought on from challenge the universe responds by giving us great support with our MANIFESTATION because we DESERVE and to deserve is to show up to challenge that is excellence. The challenge is vigorous, rough, tough, intimidating and overwhelming but that is what it takes to heal the karmic childhood (society) and gain more of our strength/talent.