Redefining Money
(Daily Redefining Meditation)
=Parent’s Money creates our identity in fiance. If the parents have money issues our identity in fiance is unstable. If the parent’s money is intelligent our identity in fiance is stable. How we re-identify with money is through healing parental disorganization and poor intelligence by structuring more organized and intelligent money choices in the mind. Confidence influences money. When confidence is based on sovereignty money is intuitive. When confidence is poor intuition is poor and override by “group think”, American Dream and family/social approval that disarrays money. Money is livelihood and self-esteem but must be intuitively led because disarray of money takes away from the higher function of money, which is craftsmanship. Healing parental money through daily redefining meditation supports organization, priority and talent to better structure conservative intelligence.

Daily Redefining: Healing is organization, priority and talent.
=Gifted Childhood/Uninspired Childhood is the opportunity to explore one’s creative edge, high self-esteem and character as a child. When recreational, educational, artistic, nature/bonding activities are withheld, unavailable or not supported in youth, for example, having a parent who never got us involved in anything creative or character building, creates weak self-image. We need constructive self-image to be determined, reliable and trustworthy to ourselves and in professional environments. Self-image is established in young years from recreational, educational, artistic and nature/bonding activities that challenge our comforts and expand our possibilities to be talented. Without community of talent discovery and development adults have self-image problems. They don’t have confidence to pursue different careers or talents (or it isvery difficult) because they don’t have the neurology of change because young years didn’t structure the basic mind into an adaptable, multi-talented self-image. Healing self-image through daily redefining meditation better supports changeability and ingenuity.

Daily Redefining: Healing is creative activities (comfort challenging) to strength the minds learning ability.
=Low Self-Esteem/Dull Life Force comes from childhood belittlement, powerlessness and judgment that inflicted on a child without protection from adults who encourage therapeutic self-expression and artistic self-healing. A child without freedom to heal and recover from the days upsets create emotional build up that overtime manifests into destructive patterns of anger, frustration and social anxiety. Life force needs freedom, an environment that encourages self-expression and spirituality. When this is unavailable the child doesn’t have the corrective self-relationship to remedy deep emotions. Self-esteem needs therapeutic self-expression and artistic modalities, especially in youth, or children build up emotions but don’t know how to appropriately release emotions. Adults with low self-esteem/dull life force cannot self-initiate themselves through challenges to gain experience and knowledge because the life force doesn’t know how to stand up to inner and outer judgment. Healing low self-esteem/dull life force through daily redefining meditation best supports self-responsibility that structures a person to be more creative with resolution instead of commotional or heavy loaded.

Daily Redefining: Healing is physical power, for example, dance training.
=Creative Set Back is distraction, denial, procrastination and avoidance of creativity due to lack of discipline, self control and concentration. We complain, make excuses, have moodiness, can be wasteful and self-important. This is creative set back, to not have a disciplinary mind because the subconscious discouragement from childhood boredom or environment boredom is uninvolved in consciousness, psychic growth OR passionate learning. Healing delay in creativity through daily redefining meditation focuses the life on learning.

Daily Redefining: Healing is psychic growth.