Soul Reinvented Remedy

Soul Reinvented Remedy is a deprogramming and repatterning intention. The human condition on Planet Earth offers us shame, emotional pain and feelings of not being good enough. We build our lives around this subconscious model. Born privileged or in poverty, we all struggle with low self esteem, judgment and identity disconnect. We try to repair the human condition by outdoing the model but end up ontop, lost in-between, confused, incomplete or rock bottom within a system not built for self-discovery through spiritual maturity. The goal, desire and demand are to invent our prosperity, love relationship, new house, travel, etc. We try to achieve this in “the system” but many are realizing “the system” isn’t set up for mind sovereignty but mind repetition, such as, get a job, get a wife/husband, get a house, get a trip, etc. There is more to excellence, elegance and equanimity to human beings than the mental holding pattern. Humans want to be noble but nobility in “the system” is hierarchical repression, separation and aggression. In the ancient past, to be noble is to be spiritually victorious––to reach homeostasis as a person and spiritually lead the community.
Human wants to spiritually mature and achieve dharma. What spiritually grows materially shows. Dharma is the healing of linage, release of poverty and reform of epigenetic frequency. We achieve high and low in “the system,” but the yearning for “more” is always prevalent because the mind wants to be nourished. We can achieve all the goals, desires and demands within "the system" but without a dharmic frequency the obtainment isn't geometrically sound and lacks soul roundness. The mind and body wants to achieve homeostasis, which is difficult inside “the system” of shame, emotional pain and feelings of not being good enough.
We need something else that isn’t provided in school, job and basic relationships. We need soul reinvention. Soul reinvention is self-examination for creative reformation to grow mind sovereignty. Dharma is outside “the system,” but interwoven. The demand for ancestral healing, parental healing, cultural healing, regional healing is apart of dharma and how that is achieved is through artistry. Artistry isn’t “get a job, get a wife/husband, get a house, get a trip, etc.” Artistry includes these household practices but provides soul roundness that brings creative expansion to the household model. It is homeostasis of a person that brings gifts, talents and craftsmanship to a community for the expansion of human connection.

Join me on Soul Reinvented journey as we use daily guided meditation and visualization to deconstruct mind repetition from parents, society and childhood and develop mind sovereignty for parental healing, social healing and inner child acceptance.